Meet Dushyanth Nippani, Director of IT at ePost Global

Meet Dushyanth Nippani, Director of IT at ePost Global

An example of our core value, collaborate and enhance the team

Join us as we introduce Dushyanth Nippani, our dynamic Director of IT at ePost Global, from his beginnings in India, Dushyanth’s diverse experiences led him from electrical engineering to a successful career in technology and international logistics.
At ePost Global, he spearheads innovative technology solutions, collaborates with talented teams, and drives customer-centric advancements. Outside of work, he’s an adventurer, always seeking new experiences. Discover how Dushyanth’s journey and dedication make him a vital part of our team.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to work in International Logistics. 

My journey started not in a galaxy far far away, but just on the other side of the world, in India. I had a fortunate childhood that afforded me the opportunity to live in many parts of the country, providing valuable and varied experiences. While I studied to be an electrical engineer, life led me to join a major IT firm, marking the beginning of my journey in the world of technology. 

Pursuing higher education, I transitioned into a consulting role, where I had the opportunity to work with a variety of organizations. While I learned and grew in each of them, none had a greater impact on my development than ePost Global! It also facilitated my move from Chicago to Southern California. Now I understand why this part of the world has been memorialized in songs so much. In my time away from work, I enjoy exploring different places and engaging in adventure activities. If you don’t have to sign a waiver form, it doesn’t count!

Tell us about your role at ePost Global

As the Director of IT at ePost Global, I have the privilege of analyzing various business challenges and opportunities to develop innovative technology solutions that strengthen our commitment to customer success. Every day, I collaborate with several exceptionally talented teams, guiding and learning from them as we work together to push the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s incredibly rewarding to contribute to our external mission of making our customers successful, while also fostering an internal mission of helping my teammates grow and excel.

What were your first steps to get into the industry?

My first steps into the industry were somewhat unexpected. I started consulting for ePost Global when it was still part of RR Donnelley. The experience was so stimulating and engaging that I decided to stay long term. Eventually, the ePost Global team welcomed me onboard full-time, and I couldn’t have found a better place to enter the logistics field. It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m grateful for the opportunities to grow and contribute in such a dynamic industry.

What is one thing that sets ePost apart from its competitors?

It is truly impressive to see ePost Global’s unwavering commitment to customer-centric innovation. We don’t just offer logistics solutions; we customize them to fit the unique needs of each client, ensuring top-notch efficiency and reliability. Our dedicated teams use cutting-edge technology and deep industry knowledge to continually enhance our services, making us a trusted partner in the ever-evolving logistics industry.

What are you most proud of working at ePost? 

It is the opportunity to rub shoulders with such an incredible team. Our collective dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction is truly inspiring. Every day, I am privileged to collaborate with talented individuals with diverse perspectives and expertise. It’s this camaraderie and shared commitment to excellence that make me proud to be part of the ePost Global family.

What has been one of your best days at work so far?

There have been so many days worthy of mention that I couldn’t bring it down to one. The closest I got is a toss-up between two standout moments:

The day we fired up our new automated parcel processing system. It was incredibly gratifying to see the immediate impact as it streamlined work across various parts of the organization. Witnessing the joy and enthusiasm from everyone involved was immense.

Another memorable day was when we had a major project, and our leaders entrusted the team and I with full autonomy in finding solutions. It was a clear demonstration of their trust in our abilities and dedication.

What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work here?

I cannot pinpoint only a single moment when I realized this. The fact that I never felt otherwise shows that this idea is reaffirmed all the time. Every day, the organization comes to life in ways that reinforce my initial conviction to join.

Connect with Dushyanth Nippani at ‘’for expert insights and tailored solutions. Reach out now and unlock new possibilities for your business!

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