Meet Brian Schnakenberg, National Account Manager at ePost Global

Meet Brian Schnakenberg, National Account Manager at ePost Global

An example of our core value, “Represent the company with integrity”

Meet Brian Schakenberg, our exemplary National Account Manager at ePost Global. With 15years of expertise in transportation and logistics, Brian excels in sales and client relationshipmanagement. In this blog, Brian shares his professional journey, the unique culture at ePost Global, and what sets us apart from our competitors. Discover how Brian’s dedication drives success for our clients and company.

Tell us about yourself and your journey to work in International Logistics. 

As a National Account Manager at ePost, my focus is driving revenue by matching the customers’ needs to the appropriate ePost products and services and ensuring they have a positive experience from start to finish. Properly representing ePost and the industry is dependent on building solid relationships, maintaining a professional image, and status of good will.

Keeping up with changes in the industry, competitive information, current events and news is key to maintaining a consultative approach. Working as a team and being a leader and resource for my ePost colleagues is also a vital role. Every department has its own function, but ensuring we all work as one cohesive unit is essential to success for the customer and the company.

Tell us about your role at ePost Global

I am a Sales and Client Relationship Management professional based in Phoenix, AZ having focused the last 15 years of my career in transportation and logistics. I have experience building successful sales teams, developing strategic sales initiatives with senior leadership, and creating operational execution plans.   

I have demonstrated success cultivating, negotiating and growing exceptional relationships with team members, clients and vendors. Throughout my sales career I have become adept at training, coaching, mentoring and developing team members in areas including prospecting,  pipeline management, negotiation and customer retention. I have a proven track record of consistently individually, and leading teams to exceed goals and objectives.

What were your first steps to get into the industry?

I started early on as an ISR for a regional carrier and really dug in to learn as much as possible about what drives the customer to buy. Although sales wasn’t new to me, I was determined to be successful in a new and unfamiliar industry. Fortunately I was able to work for some great leaders who fostered my growth and development which lead to subsequent positions and eventually I was able to work my way up into a Regional Sales Manager role.

Through hard work and determination I became an expert in the domestic market. Since then I have been able to increase my learning and knowledge in other areas of the industry including spend management, contract negotiation, auditing and now most recently the international market. There is so much to learn, I feel like I am starting all over again! I have been fortunate to
work with some outstanding people who have really encouraged me and allowed me to grow personally and within the industry.

What is one thing that sets ePost apart from its competitors?

I feel there are two answers to this question. One is the culture of ePost and the way management has created a company that really focuses on the employee first. There is such a warm and welcoming feeling within the organization and because a handful of folks built the company from the ground up, that resonates throughout every department. It is a very friendly and family-like environment.

The second reason ePost stands out among the competition is the attention and focus on the customer and the willingness to put the customer first. The level of service from every department is second to none. And that extends not only to the customer base, but within the company itself. Customer care is the foundation of a successful organization.

What are you most proud of working at ePost? 

Being able to contribute and feeling like a valued member of the company. There is no shortage of recognition and accolades when it comes to achievement. I feel management really appreciates what the employees add to the company. There is a level of comradery that makes me feel good about what I do and where I work.

Additionally, being a part of a company that is considered a true pioneer and leader in the industry is certainly something that creates pride in oneself and the company

What has been one of your best days at work so far?

Everyday seems like a great day to work at ePost! However, closing my first customer was certainly a great day. Although a small customer, it was a great feeling of accomplishment and allowed me to feel that in a small way I was contributing. It made me want to do bigger and better things!

I get the same feeling every time now that a new customer onboards and I look forward to achieving at a higher level. Sales isn’t easy and takes hard work, but the rewards make it all worthwhile!

What was the moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work here?

I felt all throughout the interview process that I was making a good decision. But during orientation and training, I really knew it was the right decision. Everyone was very professional and personal at the same time.

And getting to meet many of my coworkers in person at the very beginning and how everyone was so welcoming and cordial was a great sign. I knew right away ePost was going to be an incredible place to work. Just over a year later and I couldn’t have been more right!

Connect with Brian Schakenberg at ‘’ for expert insights and tailored solutions. Reach out now and unlock new possibilities for your business!

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